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Lev - June 1, 2020 at 3:37 PM
Saturation of the planet with high vibrations goes in several ways:
1. Internally, through people who feel they need to help the planet, this is their choice, and this task is now relevant for many.
2. Externally, through highly vibrational cosmic sources; this goes in cycles, in doses, to enable people to accept and "digest" them, and then relay them around the planet.
3. Combined, there are other civilizations living on Earth that also saturate the planet with high vibrations.
The high vibrations received by earthmen are natural vibrations, although they do not yet reach the natural vibrations of our Local Universe, because the human physical body is not designed for such strong cosmic energies. And now the Light Forces undertake restructuring of all life on the planet and together with the planet its population, in order to get as close as possible to the nature of our Local Universe. The restructuring of the human bodies is accompanied by the activation of their Light Bodies or Ascension Bodies, for which there are necessary crystals in the fields as activators.
People want to speed things up, thinking that everything is so slow, but they have no idea what this race can lead to. The Light Forces see the whole picture differently, without the time energy, so their decisions and actions are carefully weighed and thought out strictly considering people’s current energy level. Everything works out best over time. But people continue to react in a childish way when they want to go to school from kindergarten as soon as possible.
There are many LFs’ plans for transition, one of which is moving vibrational trained people from this 3D reality and transferring them to another realm, where they will undergo the main transformation. This plan is good for its speed and creativity, but it is not easy technically.
There is also a longer scenario, where everything will be gradual, but the main disadvantage is the duration, the lack of a new experience, approach, experiment, through which you can find an even better option.
In the new 5D world, there will be a transition from dimensionality to dimensionality during life, bypassing death, that is, without a "vacation" for the soul on the subtle plans. People no longer need to live in the 3D low energy Matrix. The Final Count Down has begun.
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