Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva)
HELLO ATLANTIS! We are the Constant Companions! (Some also call us CCs.)
(They told me that they would like to start their messages like this, as this will also activate our positive Atlantean heritage and they, because they also have this strong heritage, feel very comfortable calling us that.)
We come back with one of our messages, happy with this opportunity for direct transmission, providing greater proximity to you because with each message we deliver, the more integrated we become to you who are on the surface in this dimension of such complex and expanding experiences.
We have heard many of you in your many questions and we are always delivering our messages not only through this channel (Neva / Gabriel RL), but many others. Know also that you can hear us, not only when such messages are transmitted, but all the time. When you have questions, questions to be resolved, any questions from you are heard and the answers will always come, just be aware of them. Know one thing: whatever "problem" you had, there is a solution for it, whatever it is.
Here, now, let's get into the main theme of our message today. We would like to address a deep topic that touches most of you. The self esteem.
Throughout the many ages you have had on Earth, you have experienced many experiences that have severely hurt your self-esteem, and at this point in time you are entering a new phase, a phase where you are reunited with this natural state of self-appreciation. on a level where only love flows so as to be beneficial to you and the souls who have the opportunity to live with you. See, as we said, all this time, you have tried to resume that state where you felt good about yourself, where you had a greater appreciation for yourself. The search, all this time, has also caused internal confusion, leaving you in many cases lined up with false pride and pride - there are no judgments here, we mention just to understand the steps you have taken until you get to where you are - you They have found themselves so often “valued” in such a way before others in a false expression of self-esteem that they sank deeper into pain and disconnection. This disconnection forced them to increasingly assert themselves before the outside. Outwardly everyone looked and said, "Oh, this person has a lot of self-love, he knows how to value himself." However, you were not expressing self-esteem or self-realization; in fact, your self-esteem was reduced to the point that you needed self-affirmations and a "forced glow" so that no one really saw what was going on inside you. The hardest experiences have forced them into this game, but calm down, everything will go back to its place.
True self-esteem is tied to your genuine state of being, the one who trusts in himself, so that he need not assert himself before others, for if so, they will once again fall into the trap of false pride and insecurity disguised as loving- own. The more you feel the need to assert yourself, the lower your self-esteem. The lower this need, the greater your self-esteem, because it is linked to inner trust and not the need to express yourself to the world with “strength and vigor” that, in reality, only wants to gain approval from it, due to its real state of low self-esteem. Your self-esteem is in your ability to stay centered, lovingly centered, experiencing all the experiences you need to experience smoothly, harmoniously and happily, without the need to prove to the world that you are experiencing these experiences with strength, power and vigor. for if there is such a need, perceive it as a signal to gather within yourself in search of inner welcome, for you are deeply in need of your own attention, self-approval, and love, "clinging" to your inner validation as you rather than the external one, which often comes through the call of "I'm good enough." The world doesn't need to know that you are good enough through ads, it needs to feel that your inner strength, in the silence of your being, is powerful enough to help you. Let us give you a familiar phrase to help you assimilate this “block” as broadly as possible: As you talk too much about its qualities and potentials, you stop hearing what really matters: the sound that sounds within. from you. The world does not need to see its multiple capacities, it just needs to help you to love, and that is enough, in many cases you just do it with a smile or a loving look.
Obviously, we are not trying to tell you that your POSITIVE STATEMENTS are not correct or not good, as they really help you. Affirmations such as, “I AM LIGHT, I AM PERFECT BALANCE, I AM LOVE MANIFESTED, etc.,” are powerful statements that help you integrate back into your most sublime states. However, we want to say that, when this need starts from the feeling of combat, confrontation and / or self-defense, it actually shows their fear, insecurity and self-doubt, that is, low self-esteem. These statements must come first in their own light, in the intrinsic truth that they carry and not to be used as defensive or escape shields.
Notice if you have these attitudes or do you often say these phrases:
When you are going to say something, you need your voice to be heard by everyone, making sure they are watching while you are speaking. Followed by a need to talk rampantly, giving no room for someone else. This shows that you are afraid of not being heard and / or not being valued. Solution: Listen more and look forward to asking your opinion. If you do not ask, there is no problem either, as you will already be in harmony enough to talk to yourself if there has not been room for your speech.
Do you get reactive when someone disagrees with you? Try to show others that your ideas are the best and / or most appropriate? This shows again that you have low self-esteem, and you need to force yourself so that somehow people see your worth. This is painful, rejection is painful and you struggle not to be rejected. Solution: When someone disagrees with you, simply smile and pass on your loving gaze, as she will feel that loving radiation from you and that radiation will bring her a new perspective on what may actually be a good idea or information she is giving. Her love will make her rethink with love, without demands, without demands, without impositions.
When things don't go the way you want them to, when your plans are changed by "force majeure" do you get angry and stress again? It also shows that you have low self-esteem, because the idea of losing control of things / events shows a possible inability of you to guide yourself, life and events. Even if you say no. Deep down, it is not you that has no ability to guide yourself, things and events, it is actually life that is as it is and you just need to flow with it as it turns out and the more loving and understandable you are. However, the more you are like water, the higher your self-esteem will be, as self-esteem is also linked to delivery and confidence in the flow. This is the solution: delivery and confidence in the flow.
Do you feel the need to always do the best, exaggeratedly the best? Overcharging yourself? If so, this is also low self-esteem, because self-recovery is also linked to the need to always be superior, good and acceptable. Do what you can, at your limit and with great love. It is never the quantity, but the quality of what you do. Focus on quality, love and expressive affection. If you can help a single person, even yourself, that act will serve as an example for others to do, and that effect will expand. Keep in mind that the energy quality of helping one or millions needs to be the same and only will be if you are not overcharging yourself, too anxious, and too desperate for it, as this will cause you to lose quality. Calm down, you are God and where you are you are big enough to do everything you need, honoring your humanity, limitations and abilities at the moment. It is also humility that added to love and understanding generates balanced self-esteem.
Know, you are big even though you are inside a small place. You are big even though the world shows you are small. And if you are right with the statement that you are small, it means that your self-esteem has not been shaken.
Know my dears that you are already doing a great job just because you were born on this planet. There was nothing greater they could do but this brave act. You are important and collaborate greatly with the planet and humanity when you are silent, simply looking at the horizon, as well as when you are in your labs developing cures, advanced technologies, or having some fun. What we mean is that there is not one thing that is “right” that you need to do to feel loved, to have your self-esteem balanced. You have already done the greatest thing that could be done, now just flow with the movements of life and you will see that peace and balance will harmoniously lead you to where your heart warmly desires to engage and create.
And remember, there is a map inside it and it constantly shows you the way you want to walk, and don't worry if you want to show your map to others around you and they don't pay attention to you, It is because they also have their own maps and are aware of them. Everyone loves you just as you love them, but each one walks their own way, safe and confident of the information that their own map reveals to them, even if they go together to the same goal.
We leave our Light signature to merge with your Light signature! This is our message for today! We are neither superior nor inferior. We are just your Constant Companions!
Neva (Gabriel RL)
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