Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva)
Gabriel: Please, dear, read in tune with this song below. I particularly recommend that you put the music at a nice time and then read the message aloud. You can feel wonderful vibrations of light in your body.
Greetings, Comrades! We have a little information and joy here!
We came back with some more informative energy in such busy times. Our surface allied collaborators have been actively working in recent weeks to ensure a series of important activations in governmental media so that objects of importance for human development can come to the masses as quickly as possible. Technologies that will greatly help humanity as a whole, especially with regard to the purification of its air, its water and energy freedom with the definitive use of free energy.
Certainly, there are those who wrinkle their noses at these claims disputing in this regard, for much has been heard about the subject and apparently nothing is moving towards the real view of this surface information. Yes, there are major breakthroughs in this regard and so-called "pingos nois" are being placed before these particular releases. Trust is necessary because even if they do not see certain things still happening on the surface, they need to know that they are about to manifest and their confidence is very important for this energy support to accelerate such processes. It is a subtle game, where our Allied Comrades who are acting more internally in governments move their chopsticks for such releases.
Another point that our dear Master Guardians and executors of this Planetary Release Project ask us to address is the insecurity that some of our surface allies (Lightworkers) have. You see, we say some, because we are not generalizing. The insecurity as to whether the work they are really doing is paying off and whether they will really see the fruits "in this life" of their efforts and determination.
Comrades, assured in the protocols of our beloved Elder Masters, we can say that you are already seeing these fruits in some way. Although your eyes on this realm are not yet completely satisfied on a more spiritual level, your efforts are not only paying off, but completely changing the face of this realm.
We know that for many of you, changes in physicality would really be what would characterize a change, but we ask you to "forget" the exterior a little and focus on the interior. All real change is starting from there. This is very clear, for ten (10) years ago you would not have that same conscious light potential as you are now. All this internal vibration is what is speeding up the processes that will bring the changes to the surface, and for this work, really, it takes a lot of patience and confidence. It is a beautiful seed that is germinating and preparing for a great birth.
Behind the scenes inside, while most human eyes don't see what's happening, an entire infrastructure is being prepared. Our allies - who act more internally, especially in governments - are speeding up their processes and, supported by your efforts - our other allies - are moving forward with the protocols. Realize that it is a work together and that, yes, everything is happening at the ideal steps in harmony and security.
"It's not easy" sometimes to deal with the bumbling shoes that continually try to delay our plans, but we have always had more successes. Recently, you have seen incendiary movements happen all over the world, when at first Mother Earth was originally turning miasmas into more conscious atmans, releasing portions of Ineric energies into more living and conscious energies, enabling a greater "breathing" of Gaia. . But this initial original move has turned into a possibility for the bumbling clogs to "get their hands in" and try to use it as an opportunity for control, unnecessarily increasing the firebreaks, causing a stir around the world. Certainly, everything happens for a reason and the eyes of our fleets have always been present, respecting the necessary adjustments to occur with this "intervention" of the messy shoes in a natural movement of Mother Earth.
We must also say, authorized by our elder masters, that their governments are undergoing intense transformations. A special team of Martians from that system, government energy specialists (certainly far more harmonic and not Babylonian as those already known on Earth, laughs ...) approach Earth to give some inspiration during this great transition of governments. of this kingdom. The new generations, the Crystal Seeds, are already being introduced into this medium, and the transformation will take place literally "from within" as sons, daughters and grandchildren of current rulers will be coming in and taking on many governmental fronts and will begin to bring in new, fairer paths. , harmonics and really for everyone. We cannot deny that there is much work to be done, but there is still resistance from the old order, and it will fall apart, for nothing else has the strength to prevent such advances.
In its financial sector, advancements also continue to occur as more quantum computers continue to be installed around the world and interconnecting into a huge cluster network, a real threat to the old swift system. Know, dear Allied Comrades, the system change will indeed take place, and it will be as harmonious as possible. Our intention is not to cause trouble in this realm, not for you, our allies, but for those who try to sustain the old energy ... Oh, yes ... To these we will cause some trouble (laughs). Remain assured in the energies of gold and silver, forces that are in connection with the great Goddess and Solar Lords of this sector of the galaxy.
Before we begin our usual farewells, we also want to say that in these times of intense transformation in this realm, the energies of Truth and Sovereignty will be more intense, and nothing will be able to remain long hidden from that Truth. Those who articulated, lied and deceived will have their "trambiques" exposed, evidenced and subjected to the law. The law of this kingdom will be called, and not even the lamb-judging crooks will be able to keep up the farce of a "justice," based on false morals, for they too will be forced to reveal their hideous hiding places in this Luminous Truth. See, dear Comrades, we are not here to condemn and judge anyone whatsoever, for we honor the highest law of this universe and have the will of the Supreme Creator as ours, where Love must be the guide of all our actions. Thus, those who have "slipped" will have our hand to rise again, even though a larger law must be fulfilled and respected. "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God," the saying goes. So, our friendly advice: If you have something to hide, something that takes your sleep, come, in Truth and Honor, reveal to the Light of a quiet conscience. They will have support and blessings from heaven.
That's enough for now! There is more information coming. Be ready! We will inform you more and more as our Old Master Teachers authorize! We continue with our important reports about certain movements! We'll be back when we are allowed and we get more, precisely, to bring them! Comrades, know: when Heaven entrusts you with a Protocol, they seriously trust its inviolability to fulfill it! We know that you have difficulties sometimes when you try to fulfill your higher plans. We know that there are many traps that are set to destabilize them. Yes we do! But, Comrades, we also know that you represent us and there is no threat that will not become harmless before the Light emitted by you, when you trust this Truth! You are the restorative Light of this Kingdom! Oh gosh! Believe it! Heaven sings Hosanna when you admit your own greatness! This reality is continually changing, although for some it does not seem so! Listen to the voice of the heart! She is shouting the greater Truth to follow in Happiness! We, your partners who fly over your skies, are with you and a call from you will be promptly answered because you have plenty of morale for it! (Laughs.)
We also rejoice and congratulate the newly anchored Nevic movement in this realm, augmented by the endorsements of late last month (they speak of the annual Star Seeds meeting that took place on September 28 and 29), when many of our ships displaced and projected supporting the intense sustaining and reverberation of more conscious "Ets"! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Each day, a new domino falls and pushes another to the next move! We always say that based on the Certainty of Heaven! We see the big picture and it inspires us to speak with such certainty! A new world is being born, and even if all the curtains have not yet been completely lifted, when they are, it will be spectacularly fantastic! Believe us, dear Comrades! We are seeing everything inside the curtains! We know what wonderful is emerging! Hosanna! Hosanna! Heaven is truly in celebration! We know that our truths resonate with your truths because, deep down, they are ONE. Be those others are inspired by, Masters! You are MASTERS! RECORD THAT ON YOU! The structures of your world are really being shaken, dismantled! Yes, it does not matter! It is important that the new, more inspired, more renewing, more expert builders are ready to start over! May the waters of renewal bathe! Burn the transforming fire! Let the cleansing winds blow! Behold, the New Earth is born in the glow of the Galatians already manifested on Earth, with all their baggage and heritage of eons! Hosanna! Hosanna!
- Hello, hello, Curitiba (PR)! Someone out there? It would be a pleasure to stop in the air for a selfie (laughs)! We want our videos on YouTube! We love to see you there (laughs)! We are still hovering through your skies more actively, still collecting the energies of the last anchors! City of Light, Island of Intense Magnetisms! Know, Comrades, that three days on the Island is enough to shake them and "force" them to cast out any shadows! Outward, so that there is a "face to face" with this shadow, a face and integrate with much Love! This Island does this to anyone who steps on it, aware of it or not! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Heaven celebrates the broadening of horizons and the rising awareness of responsibility!
The borders are being broken! Unification is near! Love will prevail! Heaven has decreed, and it will be so! This is not our simple will. This is a DECREE! Know this, Comrades!
Oh dear! Know that the countless Sources and endless Prosperity of Heaven are yours indeed! We will return when appropriate! Good to talk to you again! Always is! See you around!
Neva (Gabriel RL): Thank you, beloved Comrades of Light!
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