Hello, many greetings and pleasure in this communication. 
I am Dhashara, member of a special group of specialists in Healing, DNA, Diplomacy and Development. 
At this time, we have been allowed to communicate with you from the earthly environment to convey a little of us and our intentions. 
We come from a planet called AmhaDeta 9, situated in the Carina Star System, which can best be seen from its earthly environment in the southern celestial hemisphere. 
Our planet is of 6th dimensional energy and we are most recently acting on your Solar System in denser 5th and 4th dimensional bodies. 
In these we assume a slightly more densified appearance when, in reality, our bodies in our home system are more fluid. 
We are very happy as we get an opening where we can send our direct signal from our main ship called AEN9, which is parked just above your high orbit.

I, Dhashara, who is now responsible for conveying this message to the humanity of Earth, am with my group of companions aboard our main ship, which is in discoid form, capable of holding thousands of beings. 
I can describe a little about my appearance at this time. 
I am tall, measuring about two (2) meters tall. 
Skin in a light silver tone, very soft. 
I have an appearance that on your planet could be said to be a model.
My hair is dark, black, long, falling over my shoulders right now. 
My face is more triangular in shape, highlighting my large pale blue eyes.
Wear a special outfit in a soft shade of gray, similar to a not too tight jumpsuit.
I am currently in an environment within our ship.
The place is like a meditation, relaxation room and in the center of this environment illuminated by a beautiful white light with soft shades of blue, has a source of material similar to, on its planet, white porcelain with a soft blue.
It is a beautiful fountain, very large, circular in shape and in the middle of this larger circle, there is another smaller one and from this smaller crystal water flows. 
I'm touching the water. 
I'm showing on Neva's (Gabriel RL) mental screen so she can show you an example right now. (Example:

This communication is a joy for us.
We are also communicating because there are many of us in your reality, incarnate and active in this experience, and our communication will now allow the awakening of many of our members who are members of our group.
We are specialists in nature, especially in rivers, seas and waterfalls.
We specialize in DNA updating and Diplomacy.
We often use water to help everyone update and harmonize their DNA.
We use water to harmonize the chakras.
We also use sound vibration next to water so that it is then used to treat damaged physical organs, especially for poor care such as eating harmful foods. We are considered special doctors because we understand so much of their biology in particular.
Our ships are great treatment centers in every way.
We love helping to develop civilizations when we are called to it.
We also act by neutralizing nuclear and chemical wastes that harm the environment as a whole.

As we have said, many of our cluster are on Earth today and this call is for them to wake up and tune into our most active presence on your planet right now.
We are here as collaborators of its expansion and this call will awaken many to our presence and, of course, to the awareness that they are part of our Carina civilization.
Our great healing ships fly over this beautiful planet and shed light for this awakening.
In the past, many of us have been more active, especially in Atlantis, when we have given a lot of collaboration with regard to body care and the need to keep it in touch with nature in general.
We know that many of you are already so used to the big cities built and cemented that, once in a while, going into nature would be good, and it would be enough, but if you allow us, know that the more contact you have with the purest nature - the furthest from urban areas - the better.
However, even if you are in the big cities, always look for the contact with nature that is closest.
Their bodies are designed to be in this connection, for nature simply energizes them constantly.
Nature is the source that helps you to continue healthier in this dimension, as well as facilitating contact with your inner self in a purer and clearer way.

We are also here as an energetic and active reinforcer, and happy to be able to work even more with you right now.
Also because we know that from now on, many of our civilization will know of our presence.
And that this message will help in their awakening, leading them to the awareness of who they are and what they have been doing there on earth.
We have left several special energy discs throughout the ages on your planet, especially in Atlantean times.
These discs were / are accumulators of the energy of nature, in general, and can be used in the physical and psychological treatment of many.
These special disks, which in Atlantis were materialized, fit in the palm of a human earth hand, and were a white to blue tone, similar to a piece of porcelain, with a soft weight of polished stone.
But they were quite spherical, thin, more or less like a cup saucer.
These discs were placed on top of people and discharged into them energies that helped them to find their greatest balances and harmonies.
This technology is still present on your planet in etheric form, and you can transfer the energy of this technology to your physicality using the discs / stones as exemplified by Neva (Gabriel RL) in the following image.

Examples (Agate Plates, as round as possible):

When you do this, just with the intention of bringing our energy from the higher dimensions to the plates, it will come down and be active and can be used to work with your therapies.
We are very happy to be able to convey this.
I am deeply moved and grateful for that.
The greater your faith and confidence in this truth, the greater the power of action and access to this simple technology that we have developed long ago and to this day we use it in our treatment departments aboard our ships.
Don't worry if you don't find the agate plate in the specific color we quoted.
It is also an opportunity to tune in to the color you like best.
This will also bring your particular energy added to the technology itself.
This technology can be used by anyone who wants it, but especially those in our group will feel more familiar with it - which is normal because they are one of its developers.

At this time, all of us in this group are thanking you for the opportunity to convey this message to all of you, hoping that we have been helpful and collaborative with everyone.
Know our intentions and openings for further contact with you.
Thanks also to Neva (Gabriel RL) for allowing us this transmission, keeping in tune with the signals we are sending through his crystalline receiver.

We leave our blessings on our tongue:
“Aeniterir Emoricart-s Azundarts”

Wishing you much health, peace, love, fullness, joy, abundance and all the best for your learning.

I am Dhashara, spokesperson and representative at this time of the Carina civilization, especially of AmhaDeta 9, transmitting in Truth to the hearers of Earth.

Luminous Blessings!

Angree-sherti! (See you later!)

The attached image is very similar to what I saw!
There's even the fountain in the back!
Except Dhashara has black hair and her skin tone is more silver, but the image is very close.

On a final note, my dears!
Some people are creating pages using the names of some reports / movements I'm bringing in, saying they are the representatives of these movements. 
I warn you that all official pages of these reports / movements are available at the following link, and for any that is NOT on this list, I am not responsible for the information submitted: /pleiades-1-call-aos.html .


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