
Showing posts from October, 2019


INFORMATION SYNCHRONY: SILVER, COBRA & SNOW FLEET (GABRIEL RL) Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva) We know that many readers of the Star Seeds Blog are following and collating the statements of P1 Notes and / or channeled messages with the facts that are occurring at the present historical moment on our planet or beyond. The comparison shows how accurate the information is being delivered to humanity via channels and the seriousness of this work of which Gabriel Raio Lunar is an exponent. THEME: “STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM” Synthetically speaking, in the last message of the Silver Fleet stellars (see ), they commented extensively on the developmental advances of the people of the earth. They talked about the ethics driving our actions, addressed the innovations that are coming in...


INFORMATION SYNCHRONY: P1 NOTES & NAVY FILMING Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva) We know that many readers of the Star Seeds Blog are following and collating the statements of P1 Notes and / or channeled messages with the facts that are occurring at the present historical moment on our planet or beyond. The comparison shows how accurate the information is being delivered to humanity via channels and the seriousness of this work of which Gabriel Raio Lunar is an exponent. THEME: “PLYADIANS SHOW IN MAGNETIC ISLAND IN THE MEETING OF 2019” The P1 Notes, as always, act like our Galactic Journal with its current and timely information. We will highlight here the latest related to the presence of the Star Family: 1085 - 26.09.2019: Pleiadians fly over Magnetic Island. 1086 - 27.09.2019: Magnetic Island reverberates in multiplanes. Jerusalem is approaching for festivals. 1087: 28.09.2019: Ashtar (s) fly over Magnetic Island. 1089: 30.09.2019: Pleiadians show up on Magnetic Island! ...

Chairman Dakkra’s speech to the People of Earth

May 14, 2019 Chairman Dakkra’s speech to the People of Earth: This is Chairman Dakkra of the, known to you on planet Earth, Andromeda Council.  This interdimensional, intergalactic and interplanetary governance and development body, this great council, is, if you will, the “Mother” council of all its member high councils. In deep space, and our biospheres, it is known by our Ambassadors & Diplomats as the:  Galactic Council. It is an honor to be with you, Tolec who is Head of the Council’s Earth human relations’ matters on the Council’s: “Joint Earth Council” sub-committee; and Adona of Star Ancestry who is Andromene, Director and Head of our Council’s sub-committee, Interdimensional Telepathy and Communication - Observation and Advisory Board.  They have been with our Council team for thousands of your Earth years. I, Chairman Dakkra, have been continuously informed about y...


SILVER FLEET REPORT - “FINANCIAL SYSTEM, THE TRUTH, LIES EXPOSED, FIRES OF THE WORLD, THE TRUST OF THE LIGHT WORKER” (NEVA) Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva) Gabriel: Please, dear, read in tune with this song below. I particularly recommend that you put the music at a nice time and then read the message aloud. You can feel wonderful vibrations of light in your body. Greetings, Comrades! We have a little information and joy here! We came back with some more informative energy in such busy times. Our surface allied collaborators have been actively working in recent weeks to ensure a series of important activations in governmental media so that objects of importance for human development can come to the masses as quickly as possible. Technologies that will greatly help humanity as a whole, especially with regard to the purification of its air, its water and energy freedom with the definitive us...

Timeline Shift

Timeline Shift: Utilizing the Cosmic Influxes Sep 27, 2019 Blessings Beloveds ~ Our Timeline Shift weekend begins with a Geomagnetic Storm – right on time. Many have been asking how these Timeline Shifts unfold and what they mean for our journey. Since this has been a topic since 2011, with the original split in timelines, let us focus on the last month or so of timeline shifts. Timeline shifts are key trigger points for shifting realities to the New Earth experience. They gradually migrate personal and collective experiences to Primary Christed timelines by conscious choice and vibrational match. Since this is part of a SPLIT in progress, the lower and higher vibrations are dividing. Higher timelines raise the mid-range/secondary timelines by quantum effect. Eventually these vibrational bandwidths won’t see each other – they will be a mismatch, or too far apart in frequency. ...


DHASHARA FROM THE CARINA STAR SYSTEM FOR EARTH HUMANITY AND THEIR SPECIAL GROUP Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva) Gabriel RL (Neva)   Hello, many greetings and pleasure in this communication.   I am Dhashara, member of a special group of specialists in Healing, DNA, Diplomacy and Development.   At this time, we have been allowed to communicate with you from the earthly environment to convey a little of us and our intentions.   We come from a planet called AmhaDeta 9, situated in the Carina Star System, which can best be seen from its earthly environment in the southern celestial hemisphere.   Our planet is of 6th dimensional energy and we are most recently acting on your Solar System in denser 5th and 4th dimensional bodies.   In these we assume a slightly more densified appearance when, in reality, our bodies in our home system are more fluid....