
Showing posts from November, 2019


PLEIADIANS NEWSLETTER - "QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, ANDARA CRYSTALS, TWIN SOULS, ANTI-SCALE PROTOCOL, TANTRA AND SNOW ORDER 5G" Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva) The Pleiadians are here with their Bulletin and I, Neva (Gabriel RL), will ask you some more direct questions.  What are Andara Crystals, what is their origin and energy potential? Pleiadians: They are powerful replicated crystals of the Crystalline Universe. (See the Crystalline Universe: ). They were shaped on Earth thousands of years ago, their main point of materialization in Lemuria, then Atlantis, and spread across the Earth, being replicated by masters and Gaia herself. It is a gift from the Crystalline Universe to Earth. Obviously, the Earth was not the first recipient of these crystals, but Acturians, Pleiadians, Sirians were ...  Andara crystal...


CONSTANT FELLOWS - "SELFEST" Posted by Gabriel RL (Neva) HELLO ATLANTIS! We are the Constant Companions! (Some also call us CCs.) (They told me that they would like to start their messages like this, as this will also activate our positive Atlantean heritage and they, because they also have this strong heritage, feel very comfortable calling us that.) We come back with one of our messages, happy with this opportunity for direct transmission, providing greater proximity to you because with each message we deliver, the more integrated we become to you who are on the surface in this dimension of such complex and expanding experiences. We have heard many of you in your many questions and we are always delivering our messages not only through this channel (Neva / Gabriel RL), but many others. Know also that you can hear us, not only when such messages are transmitted, but all th...


SANDRA WALTER - "PORTAL OF MASTER: 11 11" It happens only once a year when the 11:11 Gate opens to higher and ascended realms. In numerology, 11 means level of mastery representing divine knowledge, intuition, sacred yin / yang union, and enlightenment. Just as you connect to Portal 11:11, you become Master of your own Destiny, developing more soul embodiment and inner guidance. On November 11, the Portal creates a powerful starting threshold / threshold that propels you into the next phase of soul mastery. As you pass through the cosmic portal, you experience a rare moment of intense clarity and connection with your own Divinity. 11:11 is a sacred Ascension code that activates the neural network in the brain to open to higher dimensions of the Spirit. 11:11 acts as a circuit connection so that multidimensional electrical current is "transferred" to the human and planetary grid system. 11:11 symbolizes the connection of the...