The Leap: Do you remember me from our first days on Lumeria? Back then we were just light bodies. Many of us lived within the now, the present until Earth’s resonance fell in vibration, into the lower dimensions. When Earth fell into the 4th then the 3rd dimensions our light body hid in our increasingly dense form. Now your light body is hidden inside your costume of flesh. Your light body is awaiting the birth of the merging of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions. You don’t realize this but all three of these dimensions have always existed together on this plane within the physical reality on Earth. When you merge with the 4th and 5th dimensions you cannot deny these higher worlds anymore. The ones that continue to live in this 3rd dimensional reality who resist this higher vibration will call you illogical and worse but those people will eventually deal with those consequences. What’s happening is higher perceptions...